Rosie's World of Royalty

The Princess Royal
Full Name: Anne Alice Louise
Born: August 15, 1950 at Clarence House
Christening: October 21, 1950
Earned the 'rank' of Princess Royal (1987) which was given to her by her
mother the Queen of England for her service to the commonwealth.
Education: Small private class at Buckingham Palace. She began attending
Benenden School (a private boarding school) in 1963
First husband: Captain Mark Phillips (divorce 1992)
Second husband: Captain Timothy Laurence (married 1992)
Children: Peter & Zara
Hobbies and Sports: Olympic rider-took part in Montreal Olympics Three-Day
Event Team in 1976. Flat race jockey, driving, badminton, skiing, watching
rugby (Patron of Scotland) .
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